My 4th Blogiversary…

I find it strange to think that just four years this week, I opened my computer and began writing Curtains are Open.

Never would I have thought that writing would bring me so much joy.

I began a diary at a young age. The pages of my journals filled with teenaged angst, heartbreak and fun times with friends. It changed when I became a mom. The fears and worries of whether I would be good enough…the various mishaps and funny moments…all journaled as I had one…then another…then a third. Raising my children, career moves, friends, travels and celebrations…fill the pages. And then, the night my marriage ended and the few weeks that followed…every detail of heartache…all in there…until I stopped writing altogether.

When I felt the need to write again and started Curtains, I was forced to change the way I told my story. Now, with my life laid out in a public forum, I became a little more choosy with my words…a little more careful about what I told…a little more positive in its telling.

I try my best to be truly honest with myself and at times, find a brutal reality facing me. I feel vulnerable. I’m often told that my words inspire others and somehow…this fills a desire I never knew existed before Curtains was formed.

My life has changed a great deal in the four years I’ve been pounding out the keys on my keyboard. When Curtains began, The Tall Blonde was just finishing High School and here we are, facing her graduation from University. Bones and Spider-Man were in elementary school and now…I’ve two teens that keep me busy with their various activities and everything that comes with raising happy, wonderful beings.

My parents, my brothers, my extensive family who have, for as long as I can remember, said “you should write that down”…they’re reading…and I can honestly feel how proud they are to my very core.

New friends have entered my life…others, have chosen to leave. While it’s caused great disappointment…I’ve also used it as a lesson on moving forward. Becoming a better person. Seeing myself through the eyes of someone else…both good and bad. I treasure my friendships and truly love the people around me. I’m luckier than most.

I wrote Full Speed Ahead. A dream I’ve had for as long as I can remember. I’ve worked with amazing brands and local businesses promoting products I believe in, I’ve been invited to wonderful events and have won various awards. While I ramble on about everyday things, Curtains is making a little name for itself.

I returned to school, chronicling my journey and the on-line support I received was phenomenal. I graduated, started my business, and have enjoyed a great many collaborations with people who “met me” through social media. In fact, I’ve found it incredibly awesome to discover that some of my social media friends…those I’ve met through Blogging, Facebook and Twitter…are some of the most encouraging people in my life.

Since starting this blog I’ve re-discovered my Faith. While it’s not something I write about…it’s part of every single story, every parenting moment, everything I see around me and all I do.

My dog, is a little greyer than when all this began…as am I.

Often, when folks hear I blog, they ask what I write about and my answer is simple…Me! I write about what makes me tick…moments that catch my breath, inspire me, frustrate me, make me treasure this life I live.

We all have a story. Every single one of us carries in their heart moments of love and loss…our fears, our joys, our greatest accomplishments and deepest failures. These stories…who we are…it’s what binds us to the past and propels us forward. It’s what forges our relationships and sometimes tears them apart.

For some, holding onto their story is necessary. For me, telling them is unavoidable. These words…they tumble out. It’s as if releasing them from my grip creates a path that for me, is easier to travel. Writing is fundamentally part of who I am…having someone who’ll listen…validates me.

I can’t begin to express what my readers mean to me. There is a great respect in knowing you’re out there…that you listen and are willing to, despite all of my insecurities and faults, accept me. That at times, I stir an emotion in you that causes laughter or tears…sometimes both in the same post!

I’m not sure I’ll ever fully realize the gift that writing has given me…what this blog, my book…the people I’ve met including those who challenge me…what it all means. I started blogging at a time that I needed a great amount of support…more than all of the people surrounding me could possibly provide. Curtains…its readers…gave me the extra encouragement I needed and for that, I will forever be grateful.

Happy 4th Blogiversary Curtains are Open.

It’s my hope that we’ll be around, for many, many more.

8 Replies to “My 4th Blogiversary…”

  1. Happy Anniversary! I hope the next four years will continue to be as amazing as these four were.

  2. Happy Anniversary! I love reading your blogs and look forward to reading many more!

  3. Happy Blogiversary!

    You have accomplished a LOT! You have published a book! That’s amazing!

    Here’s to many, many more breathless, inspired, frustrated, treasured – and maybe even happy years!


  4. I have been moved by so many of your blog posts … to laughter, to tears, to reflection. I am grateful for your willingness and ability to lay it all out there. You are truly “splendid!”
    Synonyms: baroque, beaming, beautiful, bright, brilliant, costly, dazzling, elegant, fab, flamboyant, glittering, glowing, gorgeous, grand, grandiose, imposing, impressive, lavish, lustrous, mad*, magnificent, magnifico, marvelous, ornate, plush, posh, radiant, refulgent, resplendent, rich, solid gold, splashy, splendiferous, splendrous, sumptuous, superb, swanky*