The first two weeks of Summer started with the arrival of Little-One and her family. We had several nights of girl bonding and catching up on the years’ events. That girl is a fireball… full of energy and laughter and I’ll miss her when she heads back to Dubai. It seems she just got here… and in such a short time I’ll be saying good bye again.
Bones headed off for her two week summer camp while Spiderman spent time in Liverpool with his grandparents. I couldn’t find enough things to fill my days… added to that they were mostly rainy! I gardened (unsuccessfully), did some household chores and created a “To Do List” that’s been haunting me ever since I put it to paper! Spiderman had a great visit and Bones had another amazing adventure with her beloved horses! She didn’t call… but wrote a letter that I’ll surely treasure for years to come!
Posts: Time… and Equus Centre…
I’m surrounded by the most amazing women imaginable and was just recently told that one of my favorite people will be moving home to Halifax. I’m thrilled I’ll get to see her more as she’s someone I look up to… who’s constantly pushing me in the right direction. Up!
Post: My Girls…
When I purchased my car a few years ago I purchased something a little sportier than I possibly needed in an attempt to feel young, drive fast and shatter my “mom van” image! I was heartbroken when it slammed itself into the fire hydrant… but found myself a new and improved (possibly more suitable) hybrid car. The accident turned me into an emotional turnip when it comes to my children. My life has changed drastically in the last few years… but nothing would compare to the agony of losing one of my kids. Still.. it kind of sucks that I just got new brakes and had the car detailed in June!!!
Posts: It’s only a car… and She sells seashells…
We headed to Digby Pines for a few days of rest, relaxation and togetherness with my parents… joined by my in-laws for a night and a wonderful meal together. It’s only very recently that I’ve come to realize how important it is to close out the rest of the world and gather your loved ones around you. That “core”… your own family… there’s nothing more important. My children rely on me… and every now and then it’s good to bring them in… relax in the comfort of their love… even if by the end I wanted to bang all of their heads together.
Posts: Family time… and Clueless and keyless…
I never heard from Nick again… chances are he found someone a little more desperate to help him stay in the country. I did however meet a great fellow by the name of Matt while at the Lower Deck and we decided we should be married. I haven’t seen him since we enjoyed the music of Mr. Paul Lamb… but we’re definitely engaged.
Post: Viva las vegas…
I received a message from Rob at the Flight. He claims he had as much fun with my kids as they did with him… but I kind of think my kids enjoyed him more! If you’ve some time in the coming weeks… head on down to Bear River to discover this glorious shop!
Post: Flight of fancy…
Is there such a thing as a “back to school shower”? If there isn’t, there should be as I’ve a list of crap I’d like to register for! On a good note, I’m getting used to the Mac… sort of… ok not really but it’s growing on me!
Post: Bite this…
My posts about sailing and nursing were picked up by “online newspapers” causing more folks to read.. which is great since readership dips a little in the summer. (I’m sure you’ll all get back in the routine of reading once Fall is here!) I heard from the folks at North Sails and they seemed pleased with the article I wrote. Plus I think they got a kick out of me calling the mast the “sail pole thingy!” I knew what it was called all along… I was just messin’ with them! Oh… and as far as Chester Race Week goes… Little One’s husband Buff sailed on the boat that won! How cool is that?
Post: Thar she blows…
My mom got us through a couple of rough days… mostly by just being there. I have to say, I was extremely proud of how The Tall Blond took care of her health… demanding to be taken seriously, insisting her pain be treated and asking questions before each procedure. I felt out of my element… fear gripped me… but I was by her side even if being there didn’t help heal her eyes any faster. I’m happy to say at the end of it all, she can see as crappy as she could see before this all started! Thanks so much for all of your emails, phone calls and prayers. Thanks to my friend Trish for bringing baked goods, for her daughter Katey for covering her shifts at work even though we had to call and tell them she wouldn’t be back and thanks to my friend Bruce, at Rock With Bruce, for dropping off the Wishbook! Most of all… thanks Mom and Dad for being there… for visiting every single day… sometimes more than once!!
Posts: Nurse Mom… and Blind as a bat…
My friend CA gave me a great idea for my Big Day Downtown! I went through the list of restaurants and shops in Downtown Halifax and much to my surprise I’ve eaten everywhere, drank everywhere, shopped everywhere and done almost all there is to do! In some ways… I guess that means I’ve a full and adventurous life. In others… it means I’m a total lush! However, I’ve the perfect idea for how to spend my hundred bucks! Stay tuned… this should be fun!!!
Post: Big Day…
And finally… I think that’s the first time I said the “F” word in a blog post! I went to Halifax West’s 25th High School Reunion at the Argyle the other night and was more than happy to be there. I never made it around to see everyone but it was lovely to catch up with those I did. I spent some time with my old friend Linda and can honestly say it was wonderful to be in her company again. I went through quite a number of girlfriends through the years… never understanding how wonderful female friendships could be. In some cases, friendships ended because they didn’t deserve to be in my life. In others… because I didn’t deserve to be in theirs. I wasn’t always the nicest person to hang out with (just ask Prada) however, I’ve come to realize how important it is to surround yourself with people who can make a difference in your life… to take from them what you can… and to give even more. I hope that Linda, and the group of girlfriends who’ve stayed in her life, can find their way back into mine again. As far as feeling judged… it didn’t happen! It took me liking who I was… before I could stop caring about what other people think.
Post: WTF…
That’s it for another Queen’s update! By the time the next one rolls around I’ll be back at school. I wish all of you happy days for the remainder of the summer… and an easy transition into the Fall! For me… I’m sure there’ll be some crazy days ahead… but at least it gives me something to write about!!!
Queen xo