Where have I been…

Where have I been?

Oh, well… there’s the classroom, the barn, the gym and the car. I’ve been cleaning out the garage, washing floors, spending time doing homework and skyping The Tall Blond in France.

On top of that, there’s the repeated blowing of my nose and I’m currently trying to shake my “Tylenol Nighttime Cold” addiction.

Mixed with ativan.

And rum.

Throw in countless hours of hockey tryouts, a puking dog and two sick kids.

It’s September.

That crazy time when everything’s starting and you’re desperately searching for your new routine which as wonderful as that sounds… isn’t happening.

Where have I been? Well, like every single person I know right now… busy.

How about you?

One Reply to “Where have I been…”

  1. I chuckled while reading this post as I add to my own growing pile of used Kleenex. Hang in there!