The universe…

The strangest thing just happened.

I’m sitting here…contemplating my life…the fact that my house hasn’t sold yet, the company is growing slower than I’d anticipated, I’m not in a relationship, the book hasn’t hit the best seller list, my blog hasn’t gone viral…you know…all the stuff that keeps me up at night.

I mean, yes, I’m healthy, my kids are great…there’s a great amount of happiness surrounding me but the thing is…I’m working my butt off trying to make this life for myself with a great amount of determination and even greater amount of dreams…and at times…I feel like I’m running in a big ol’ circle getting absolutely nowhere!

So…I’m sitting here…after a conversation with a group of girlfriends last night about “The Universe” and our various beliefs…about just “putting it out there”…and I did.

I listed everything. My goals. My dreams. Just sitting here finishing up my yogurt and berries I just sort of thought about it all…and put it out there…said a little prayer…sent it off to the universe.

Then THIS appeared in my twitter newsfeed…


It was re-tweeted by someone else at the VERY moment after I just sort of had these thoughts and “poof!” THERE IT WAS!!!

So…apparently…twitter has found a way to read minds and our privacy has been totally taken from us which is creepy and freaky and I’m not sure how to even comprehend that.

Either that…or this whole “universe” thing really works!

And I just have to keep believing.

3 Replies to “The universe…”

  1. Hang in there. Keep putting those thoughts and dreams and desires out there. Call me crazy, but I really do believe that it works.

  2. It is awesome when messages appear when they are most needed. Sending positive thoughts your way!