Flu Season Wrap Up…

Over the last few months, I’ve written a couple of posts about Flu Prevention with the help of Shoppers Drug Mart and this year’s #SDMFluFighters program.

The first post was written just after I received a text from Noah, away at university, with the two little words….”I’m Sick.” Two words that immediately had me feeling as miserable as he was!

It turns out, while we packed his bags a few months before, keeping in mind everything he might need while away at school…I hadn’t really put much thought into stocking a medicine cabinet for him…and there he was…feeling pretty awful and needing to make a trip to the drug store.

I wrote a post, Is your Medicine Cabinet Stocked, and for Christmas this year, Noah’s stocking included pain relievers, electrolyte powder, antibacterial wipes, throat lozenges and a vaporizer.

There’s nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night feeling miserable and realizing you don’t have what you need to help you feel better (including your Mom!) So, make sure your cabinet is stocked…and if you have a child going off to university this year, don’t let the “mom guilt” get to you like it got to me! Make sure to send them off to school with everything they might need!

The second post I wrote was about Busting Common Flu Vaccine Myths and NO…the flu shot DOESN’T give you the flu!

I asked a question in my post about tips for staying healthy and suggestions included:

  • washing your hands frequently,
  • dressing for the weather,
  • getting lots of sleep,
  • eating healthy,
  • exercising,
  • avoiding close contact with those who are sick,
  • taking vitamins,
  • covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze,
  • disinfecting your home when illness strikes, and

I chose to have my flu shot this year and am quite pleased that I avoided the flu as a few folks I know were quite sick with it this year. With sinus issues and a compromised immune system, I just couldn’t imagine getting the flu on top of everything else…so the flu vaccine for me was pretty essential.

And…it worked.

In fact, research shows that the scientists got it right for the 2016/17 flu shot and the vaccine was effective…which results in fewer people getting sick enough to need hospitalization.

In the last post I wrote, Man Flu, Fact or Fiction, I talked about my sinus issues and asked what made you feel better when you DO get sick…and here’s how you responded:

Like me, 30% of those who answered, turned to a good cup of tea when they were feeling under the weather…that, and a good night’s sleep (usually with their dog cuddled next to them.)

In the comments on my blog, many people mentioned chicken noodle soup, a hot shower and ginger ale to provide a little extra comfort when they’re feeling under the weather. Other comments included warm milk, a bit of music (always makes me feel good) and a walk in the fresh air.

While I’m a fan of a regular cup of tea most days, I HIGHLY recommend you make up a “Get Better Tea” if you’re ever caught not feeling well. I pretty much start boiling the water and add in every spice I have in my spice cabinet that I think will help…but here’s the gist.

Get Better Tea

  • 3 cups of water
  • Juice from 1/2 a Lemon or Lime – full of Vitamin C
  • 1 Cinnamon Stick – an antioxidant-rich spice
  • Grated Fresh Ginger – calms an upset stomach
  • 1/4 tsp Cloves – helps to eliminate phlegm
  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric – reduces inflammation
  • 1 pinch of Cayenne or more – warms the body
  • 1 1/2 TBS Honey – soothes a sore throat

Directions: Bring all of the ingredients to a boil (keeping out the honey), pour into a cup through a strainer, then add the honey as needed. Drink it nice and warm…you’ll REALLY notice the cayenne and it helps loosen things up!

Bottom line is this, NO ONE likes getting sick. Besides feeling miserable, it often means we’re spreading our illness to our loved ones and we end up missing work, school and social activities. For many with compromised immune systems…the risk is huge.

Thanks so much to Shoppers Drug Mart for giving me the opportunity to open discussion on my blog about preventing illness and staying healthy. I’m super happy that I chose to get a flu shot this year (even if I complained for a few days about my arm hurting), and I’ll make sure to do it next year as soon as they’re available!

Flu Shot

Disclosure: I am compensated for my part in the #SDMFluFighters program, all opinions are my own.