Queen’s Xth Update…

 As I write the tenth Queen’s Update it occurs to me  it’s almost a year that I’ve been writing this blog!  What started as a way for me to get some thoughts on paper… has turned into quite an experience.

It’s been a busy month of snow, colds, shovelling, defrosting and freezing.  I’ve faced my share of puddles in the front entrance…lost mittens, snow pants, hats and scarves… broken toboggans… and my pup searching for a place to “go”.

We had a great Giveaway with Mudwraps to Manicures and luck was on Dianne’s side to win a fabulous gift basket.  Don’t forget to drop into Mudwraps on their 13th anniversary on February 16th… all day long.  They will be having 13% off everything in the store throughout the day!
Post: A Giveaway from Mudwraps to Manicures…   

I wrote about my boy being sick.  A flu that knocked him off his feet… followed up by a migraine.  We’ve fought migraines in this house for years… something I’ve luckily never experienced myself but suffer through watching my children deal with them.  He’s fine again now… wearing his winter coat and hat like I tell him every day… not forgetting them at school for the walk home!
Posts: Warp nine… and Pyjama day…

I heard from Ticker’s husband after I made fun of the way he hung his television.  Seems he can’t get the right kind of bracket for the TV and there’s an issue about the layout of the fireplace and where exactly he’s supposed to attach the bracket.  My suggestions of cracking into the wall and adding more two by fours to create a place to secure the bracket wasn’t really the answer he was looking for.  Then again… he’s taking Ticker and the kids to Hawaii next week so I forgive him (even though I’m pretty sure there’s a way to center the TV.)
Post: Pyjama day…

Just as I thought!  A bunch of you are now addicted to Jenny’s blog and wondering when I’ll get into taxidermy so I can be cool like her!  Years ago I had a bulldog who was perfect “foot stool” height and I often thought I’d have her stuffed a la Trigger and used as my foot rest.  Then… when she actually died… I put her ashes in a box and she hangs out with us in the family room where she belongs.  If the box was bigger… I’d probably use it as a foot rest. Jenny probably would have had her stuffed!  I’m glad you’re enjoying her writings… I did hear from her by way of a comment on the post and an email she sent… she told me I “rocked” and to “not let the assholes get me down”!
Post: Jenny jenny bo benny…

So far things with the “Do Not Call” list seem to be going well.  I did however hear from Bell another TWO TIMES after I told them I was already a client and to stop phoning me offering me the “New Client” deal.  Finally the last guy on the phone seemed to get the message and apologized.  I’m assuming I’ll receive some sort of a credit on my next bill for all the aggravation they put me through… I think it was seven calls in total!
Post: Do not call… 

We’ve more snow than I’ve seen in years!  There’s a center median on the cul de sac I live on and when you pull onto the street… you can barely see my house anymore.  The kids are having a ball tobogganing off the big snow pile.  We’ve had multiple missed days of school and for the most part… I quite enjoy the extra time with the kids and I’m not minding the snow at all… it helps that my brother and Boy do all the shovelling! Speaking of shovelling… I’ve discovered it’s best to avoid Prada after the plow has come by!  The woman HATES snow and if you catch her attention while she’s flicking the stuff from her driveway to the massive pile in front of her house she goes into a rampage wondering why people are even smiling this time of year and why she can’t live somewhere warm like Little-One! She’s all hateful and in need of a vacation from the white stuff… but she better not get any ideas about moving!
Posts: Snow angels… and Snow devils…

I lost count how many posters I actually printed and decided it was best to make a sandwich board… walking up and down the street in search of Mr. Handsome from the dating site. I still don’t believe he’s real and it’s just a ploy to get me back but last night I couldn’t take it anymore and signed up again “just in case”!  I know I’m being sucked into the vortex of evil marketing and good looking men but I’m desperately trying not to tempt fate… and interested in dating a man with hair and no tattoos.  I swear… it’s a strange dating world out there.  I sent him a message last night… I’ll let you know how things go!
Posts: Lost cat… and In need of your assistance… 

A lot of people I went to High School with have discovered my blog and not a single one of them came back to tell me how wonderful I was in my late teens and how they’d have never guessed I wasn’t a confident person… or more importantly… that I actually looked quite lovely in acid wash.  Not a single one.  Hmmmmpphh…
Post: Dear 18 year old self…

And finally… I never heard from ONYX offering me gift certificates to apologize for lousy service at their restaurant the other night… which makes me think I’m not all that popular either!  I should phone them and tell them Jan Arden follows me!  (Funny thing is I thought it must be a mistake but I check every day and low and behold… she’s still following!)
Post: Girls night out…

So… that’s my month in a nutshell… except for all the days I didn’t post. Why?  Well… I was wrapped up in divorce stuff but am happy to say it’s all behind me now.  I know… I know… I wrote in October that it was nearing the end but well… things fell off the rails and it didn’t quite happen when I thought it would and then Christmas happened… and New Year’s… and meetings and phone calls and a whole whack of yucky stuff in between.  It’s official now and a number of you are waiting to hear what I have to say about it but the thing is… it’s time to move on.  Oddly enough though… this time I feel like celebrating!
Post:  Celebration… 

There’s a whole new world out there waiting for me to explore! I’m in the mood for the adventure… and happy to have a place for you to follow along!

2 Replies to “Queen’s Xth Update…”

  1. I felt the need to celebrate when the divorce was final as well. Very bitter sweet, but I wanted to celebrate the wonderful friends and family that supported me through it all.

    You are an amazing woman and I am happy to call you my friend.
