The man Behind the Curtains

Not many of you know this…but behind the curtains, there’s a dude who’s editing content, brainstorming ideas, watching Pinterest stats, keeping up with Google Analytics and forever offering advice on marketing and business.

The man…my dad.

At 14, Dad hired me for my first job, stuffing envelopes for mail-outs for his insurance company. By 16, I was doing some filing and working the phones at reception. Summers were often spent in the office doing a few odd jobs here and there and at one point, I even did a little computer training once I’d had my degree and started working in IT.

Dad was Senior VP of Development and Communications for one of the largest insurance companies in Canada and along the way, I picked up a trick or two about business.

A few years after Dad’s retirement and when I’d started my own company, Dad started helping me…giving advice and jumping in when needed. He knows what’s going on with all of my projects and clients as we discuss work on a regular basis and he’s definitely been instrumental in making this blog and my design business a success.

The truth of the matter is…I have no idea what I’d ever do without him!

Over the last few years, Dad has dealt with a couple of health scares…a few of the things being hereditary, which in turn is making me worry a little about my own health! At 50…it’s really time I opened my eyes to the realization that my father has both diabetes and heart disease, as did his mom…and HELLO…it’s time to take a little better care of myself!

Approximately one in two people with type 2 diabetes will die of heart disease (which includes heart attack, heart failure and stroke), and the reality is, one is too many. It’s time to prevent more lives from being lost to heart disease due to type 2 diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes, speak to your doctor about steps you can take to help manage your risk of heart disease. Controlling your blood sugar alone may not be enough. But there are medications that – along with diet and exercise – have proven to lower the risk of dying from problems related to your heart and blood vessels. Visit to learn more.

Dad has made a huge effort over the last several months (after his last scare) to really and truly get his health in check. He’s changed up a few medications and taken part in a heart health exercise program that’s had him moving more and watching his diet. He looks and feels better than he has in quite some time!

Me…well, I have genetics working against me and it’s high time I acted to ensure I’m living my best life. Recently, I’ve also made a number of steps to improve my health while under the care of my doctor…and I’m happy to say I’m on a healthier path.

If you or someone you love is living with type 2 diabetes, visit to take the heart disease risk assessment quiz and make sure to have a chat with your doctor.

Disclaimer: This content was sponsored by the Boehringer Ingelheim-Lilly Canada Diabetes Alliance. As always, opinions are my own

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