About this post: How are you all doing with your social distancing? Me…I’m getting out a bit more but I’ve learned a valuable lesson! NO MORE GIN FOR ME! Have a read through to see how I handled my drinks this week…read to the end for my afternoon lemonade recipe enriched with iron, and download a graphic to add to your Instagram!
Basically…I’ve officially cut myself off from public drinking!
I’ve been missing my friends, wanting to spend time with them and get back to normal life…get out of this bunker I’d locked myself down in for the last few months.
An invitation for Canada Day Festivities was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered!
I’m typically a beer or wine drinker when I have a few drinks with friends. But unfortunately, with neither in the house, I decided to make these delightful Grapefruit Juice / Prosecco / Gin drinks that not only tasted fabulous…but were the perfect colour for the celebration!
I arrived at my friend’s house and everything was laid out for social distancing. Some of the folks were in a bubble together, so they were a little more comfortable with sitting close to one another and giving hugs…but for me, not being in the bubble plus having a few health risks…we followed all of the rules (despite wanting to REALLY hug my friends!)
And then I had a few drinks!!!
By the time I left, I was feeling my gin AND was making up for all of the hugs that I’d avoided in the first part of the evening! All my worrying about hunkering down and staying safe COMPLETELY WENT OUT THE WINDOW with a few sparkly drinks…completely not caring an iota about the fact that there’s a virus in our midst!
I was basically a walking disaster and while I’m blaming it on the fact that I never typically drink more than one gin in a sitting…I’m thinking it’s best I don’t test it with the wine or beer either as momma always warned me about drinking and inhibitions…and turns out, she was right!
I know that at the moment, the risk for getting COVID is low…we’ve done a fantastic job and for the most part what I see, is people playing by the rules, wearing masks, social distancing, and keeping to smaller groups. I’m all about following the rules too! Unfortunately for me…throw in a hot day with more than one tasty beverage in my hand…and I suddenly become a walking-talking-hugging-socially-deprived fool!
I’ll still go out. I’ll still spend time with my friends as I truly believe it’s what’s needed for the next few Summer months while we rebuild our mental health because I also believe, that by the time “flu season” comes around…we could be in for another lockdown. However, knowing what I know now about my personal lack of inhibitions…I’ll stick to lemonade for the time being.
But when I’m home, I’ll be sure to add a splash of gin!

Iron Enriched Green Tea Lemonade:
Who doesn’t love an afternoon Green Tea Lemonade enriched with IRON! Give this a try…
- Make a pot of Green Tea…my favourite is the locally made Hope Blooms tea.
- If you’re low on iron like me, add a Lucky Iron Fish and boil the water for ten minutes…this will help increase your daily iron intake! If you’re looking for one, I picked mine up at Cornerstone Naturopathic.
- Fill a glass with ice and add an ounce of lemon juice (I use the Real Lemon juice although you can use freshly squeezed lemons as well.)
- Once the green tea is steeped (you don’t need to wait for it to cool down), pour over the ice and lemon and ENJOY!
- Note: If you find it too tart…add a little sugar to sweeten the lemonade but I quite enjoy it just as it is.
My Gift to YOU!
DOWNLOAD a copy of the “When Life Gives You Lemonade” graphic to use on social media, HERE. Make sure to tag me when you post!
I did a similar thing on Tuesday night (on vacation last week) and I swear to God was not back to normal until Friday. Too old for those games anymore.
Agree!!! Can’t handle it like I used to.
No drinks yet. Maybe on the weekend.Some wine while at the cabin but no company so can drink as much as I want.Continue to enjoy Colleen but stay safe
I would love to be at the cabin having a glass of wine or two with you! (And I’d totally give you a HUGE hug!!)
Wow, that lucky iron fish is really neat! I had never heard of one until now. What a great way to reduce waste too. Thank you for sharing.
Also, I love your blog. I love checking in on your instagram feed daily too and seeing what you are up to. I feel like you’re my auntie and I really care about how you are doing. Great job Colleen!
Ahhhh!!! I love that I’m your Auntie!!!