He makes me smile…

My son was born twelve years ago.  He has kept me smiling since.

From early days we marvelled how he’d laugh in his sleep…his smiles lighting up the room. Such a pleasant baby.

No one could put things in perspective like he could. At a young age, he said things that were well beyond his years…it’s like he knew things…or knew people…maybe just knew me.

He was about three when he took his little hands and placed them on my cheeks…looked into my eyes and proclaimed “you’re the most beautiful mommy I’ve ever seen.” He melted me.

He melts me.

He fights with his sisters, keeps a messy room, doesn’t pick up after himself, struggles with his homework, fights about bedtime and eating breakfast…and mushrooms.  He’s typical in many ways.

While he’s rugged and physical, loves his sports and always thinks he’s right…he’s sensitive. He’s gentle. He’s kind and caring and wonderful.

I can’t quite put into words how a mother feels for her children. How each are special in their own way. How each is parented differently as each child is different. I can’t quite tell you how special my boy is…so I’ll let him tell you instead…as he wrote a blog a while ago….I just never posted it.

But…today…on his birthday…I will.

Because he makes me smile…

Happy 12th birthday son.

I am the *best*
I am cuddly
The best of the three kids
I am good at SPORTS
I like it when everyone smiles
My favorite color is orange
My favorite number is 5
I like to eat everything except mushrooms
Mushrooms are like dirty haggis
 Sometimes I want to FLY

Other times I want to stay grounded
My mom is {everything}
Good things and bad
She’s loving
~ supportive ~
and fun!
I don’t like it when she yells at me and hits me and beats me
She has never beat me or hit me!
But sometimes she yells at me
My favorite book is “Awake and Dreaming
My favorite music is RAP 

“the boy”    

6 Replies to “He makes me smile…”

  1. Happy Birthday Noah…..one more year until "the teen years kick in" Great Job on the barbeque last night you will make a great husband in 20 years


  2. Tell the "boy" I say Happy Birthday. 🙂 And tell him he needs to start his own blog. That made me laugh out loud. I think after reading that, everyone will be smiling…
