Jet lag…

Last night we won the Amazing Race!

We met at a local hotel to plan our attack over pre-drinking drinks and fantastic appies.  Some of my favorite people in one room.

We were pumped for this event and nothing could stop us except the ridiculous heels each of us had chosen to wear that night!

Once the plan was set, the drinks were drank and the food was eaten… we took off on an adventure that proved to be everything we’d expected it to be!

Starting in Canada we headed to South Africa, quickly wound our way through Australia, off to California where I ran into a dear friend Nic… back to Spain, then Argentina, then California again where I took the boots off my throbbing feet… a quick peruse through Italy, then France and back to Canada to meet up with a group of friends (all with their shoes off) before heading to Durty Nelly’s to celebrate our victorious win.

It was a long journey. 

A long, enjoyable, entertaining journey with my best friends and hundreds of other competitors… there to sample the wines of the world at NSLC’s Port of Wines Festival.

Today… I’m dreadfully jet lagged.

Dreadfully… dreadfully jet lagged.

A special thanks to Hor-Heh for throwing a ticket my way.  You can find him at Chives Canadian Bistro most days… managing the place and picking the best wines for the tasty creations made by the wonderful and delightful Chef Craig Flinn (who never takes his shoes off… as he’s successfully filling some pretty big shoes!)


One Reply to “Jet lag…”

  1. Lots of travelling in one night!! Glad you had such a great time. Did a bit of travelling myself last night…Australia, Spain, France, US, Italy and… too much turbulance- can't remember the rest! Lots of fun though!!