Sarah Burke… Snow Angel.

From the outside, looking in… I’d say she was a tomboy. A beautiful, vivacious, passionate, intelligent and well loved Tomboy.

As a young girl, Sarah Burke strayed from skiing moguls on the snow covered mountains and snuck her way onto the snowboard half pipes… to play with the boys. Sarah out-twisted, out-jumped, out-flipped, out-flew and out-dare-deviled those she played with.

After competing and winning in four Winter X-Games, she made it her mission to have Freestyle Skiing included at the Olympics.

And she won.

Because she chased her dream.

A freak accident on a training hill in Utah resulted in her un-timely death. Sarah won’t be there to take home the gold in the 2014 Olympics but she’s won it in our hearts by inspiring young girls to believe in themselves, to follow their dreams, to chase their passions and stand up for what they believe in. She has told each and every little girl out there… my two daughter’s included… that they can do anything they set their hearts on doing!

Canada has lost a treasure.

The slopes are a little darker without her amazing smile to light the way.

Thank you Sarah, for being a true inspiration.

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