The cottage…

My new boyfriend has a cottage AND a private jet! The plan is to travel back and forth… as it’s in Ontario!

From time to time, we’ll take friends with us where you’ll stay in the quaintest guest quarters you can possibly imagine… complete with all the comforts of home!

The kids can jump off the dock and the floating trampoline and there’s a rope swing that’s perfect for hours of play. Not only that… there’s a boathouse for them and their friends to hang out in… complete with a slide that heads right into the lake!

My favourite part… the colourful adirondack chairs on the wrap around deck where we have our morning coffee… oh… and there’s a packed wine fridge along with air conditioned rooms in a  beautifully furnished, gorgeous space that’s absolutely perfect for entertaining.

(And there’s a chef that comes in and cooks all the meals so all you have to do is put your feet up… and relax!)

I swear… you’ll LOVE it! Just as soon as I find that elusive boyfriend… with the awesome cottage and private jet but in the meantime, you’re welcome to invite me and the kids to your summer place and to return the favour… I’ll add you to the list of people I’ll invite to mine… I mean… his!

You’re welcome!

One Reply to “The cottage…”

  1. AHHHH!
    I clearly am not able to comment on your blog without screwing up.
    I think for the third time now, I've written you a (obviously amazing)comment and LOST IT!

    Anyway…I CAN TOP THAT OFFER ABOVE!! get in touch with me soon, my schedule fills up fast these days. p.s. is L still in town?