Reaching high…

It seems only yesterday Spiderman was “graduating” from pre-school. He had me buy him a brand new Hawaiian shirt for the occasion. I calmed his little nerves as he repeatedly practiced the words and actions to “Hey Diddle Diddle.”

His job was to hold up the spoon.

An incredibly important task. The VERY end of the song. Not the cow…not the moon…not the dish. The spoon.

As high as he could reach.

While wearing the most wonderful smile…upon his sweet freckled cheeks.

Today, ten years later, wearing a new blue shirt and tie…the knot we tied after checking out you-tube videos…he stepped across the stage as he completed grade nine and I was every bit as proud as the day he “graduated” from pre-school.

Maybe more.

As ninety plus kids received their certificates, my mind filled with so many happy memories through the years. Field trips and birthday parties. School dances and sporting events.

I sat in awe of how fickle time can be. How my darling little boy could grow into this wonderful young man. How those precious little girls…his very best friends…are growing into amazing, confident young women.

I wanted him back in his little cardboard cap. Practicing the song he’d get just right but instead…today…I took a moment and I thanked him. Thanked him for everything he brings to our family. For making it through the “Junior High Years” without even once causing me so much as a single moment of panic. For bringing joy and happiness to every one of my days.

For holding up that spoon as high as he can reach.

While wearing the most wonderful smile…upon his sweet freckled cheeks.


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