What I wouldn’t do for a kitchen makeover!
The last house we built, I picked out the cupboards and counters, fixtures and drawer pulls with such precision. I had “four leaf clovers” cut into the wine rack to show a little Irish heritage in my wonderful yellow kitchen. I would cook in that space with pure delight! Absolutely thrilled with every last detail.
And then we moved.
And the kitchen in this house while lovely…is not what I’d pick. It has oak cupboards that one of these days, given the right motivation and a little bit of nerve, I’ll paint to my hearts content. I’ll change the countertops, move the island, add new hardware and a fabulous backsplash. There’s much that I’d do to make my lovely kitchen…absolutely exquisite!
It’s where we live. Meals at our big Harvest Table…the kids grabbing stools to sit at the breakfast bar where we chit-chat about the days activities. Where I’m constantly spraying cleaner on my stainless steel fridge to wipe out the fingerprints they keep placing there.
It’s the heart of our home.
Where often, I don’t have time for a home-cooked meal but take-out or frozen pizza is every bit as good because better than the food…it’s the conversation and “checking-in” at the end of the day that’s most important.
My kitchen is fine. OK. Not that bad. But ohhh what I’d do for a makeover and a new kitchen like the ones I’ve posted on my Dream Kitchen Pinterest Board!
Finish®, in partnership with Bosch®, is looking to make your dreams come true! They will be giving away 10 Ultimate Kitchen makeovers valued at $10,000.
As luck would have it, I only use Finish® products (Quantum, Powerball and Gelpacs) as Bones can spot an unclean glass coming out of the dishwasher a mile away! I’ve listened to her complaints a million times but once I switched to Finish®, she’s happily unpacked the dishwasher and hasn’t made a single complaint about spots on the glasses!
Finish® is currently running a BOGO promotion and the offer works by mail in rebate. Simply purchase 2 participating products, mail in the official refund form and and receive your refund by mail but…while you’re at it…enter enter for your chance to win 1 of 10 kitchen makeovers!
Seriously…clean dishes AND a chance to win a Kitchen Makeover!!!
Get dreaming!
Disclosure – I am participating in the Ultimate Kitchen Makeover Blogger Campaign on behalf of Finish. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.