With 2015 coming to an end and the New Year just a few hours away, I thought I’d take a moment to recap a bit of our year…with a photo representing each month.
This year, a hockey tournament brought us to Newfoundland where Spiderman and I filled a week with Family, Hockey and Love. Spiderman spent some time with my Nan and I count my blessings as it was only a month later we realized it was to be our final visit with this woman who will always hold a special place in our hearts. Spiderman is well into his Grade 12 year tearing up the ice and working weekends at SportChek…but there are many changes ahead for both of us. I’m not looking forward to his final hockey games as I lose my status as “Hockey Mom”…and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of emotion as he prepares for Prom, Graduation and the next Chapter of his life…whatever that may be!
Bones had a full year of volleyball bringing us to Calgary for the National Tournament with her Bedford Blizzard Club Team in what turned out to be a wonderful trip with fantastic friends. She then went on to play on the Provincial Team this past Summer along with a little Beach Volleyball…then rounded out the year making a spot on the High School Team…a thrill for her for sure and a perfect way to begin grade ten. The year ended with us spending a fair bit of time at doctor’s appointments due to a concussion…but with that behind her, she’s currently getting ready for Club season and another exciting year. While Volleyball has certainly taken over…we’re still managing to fit in a bit of time with Bones’ favourite horse Sonny…and to add to the mix, Bones has discovered BOYS!
The Tall Blonde returned home from a year abroad and spent the summer in Halifax working and catching up with friends. In late August, we said our good-byes again as she headed off to Ottawa with her boyfriend to begin a degree in Translation. She’s having a blast, discovering a new world, making friends and a new life for herself! In a few weeks, The Tall Blonde will start a new job as a Parliamentary Guide in Ottawa and we’re planning on a visit in May to see her new and adventurous life!
For me…I’ve been busy with three companies, East Coast Mom Media, Curtains are Open and Drawbridge Creative. I’m looking to find a little more balance this year between work and family life…and maybe find a little time for me in there as well. I’m thrilled that Curtains picked up another Best of Halifax award this year and continue to love writing though I don’t seem to have enough time to focus on it the way I’d like…evident from the 100 posts in draft that never made it to the “publish” stage this year. This July, I bought my first BRAND NEW CAR which was, and continues to be, an absolute thrill…I’m finally feeling like my career is taking off! In November, I took a much-needed weekend in Florida with a few girlfriends and it’s my greatest hope that I can fit a few more coffee dates and lunches into my busy days as really, what’s the point of all work and no play!
Our year in pictures…

2015 can be summed up for me as BUSY…and 2016 isn’t looking like it’s going to slow down…and really, would I want it any other way?
Happy new year Colleen! It’s been a pleasure to meet you and your family..and employ your kid lol. Hope 2016 is a great year for everyone 🙂